THERE IS A PLACE FOR EVERYONE! We feel at TBC that there is a ministry here for everyone, whether it Ladies Fellowship -Men’s Fellowship-Our Youth Ministry Etc. Our family is diverse fitting in will not be an issue- that’s why we make a close family, because we all need the fellowship of others and to study and grow in God’s grace together.
Our Ladies Fellowship meets on the second Tuesday of each month. We will have a guest speaker each month, it may be someone in our ladies group or an outside guest. we are growing in God’s word and building healthy relationships. We are loving and praying for each other. We also have a meal together each month.
Our Men’s Fellowship meets on the second Friday of each month at 6:00 PM. They enjoy food and fellowship along with the sportsmanship of Target Shooting and sometimes Sheet Shooting. They learn how to love and lead their families, and to live as a Victorious Christian Man.
THRIVE means to grow or develop well or vigorously! It’s important for teens to thrive! Thrive is a student ministry of TBC you are invited to join us and Thrive together. The heartbeat of THRIVE is to create an environment for students 7th-12th grade that cultivates relationships with Jesus Christ and builds a community that encourages a life that grows in love for Christ. Join us Wednesday at 7-8 PM and THRIVE!
We have a Service at our local Nursing Home & Health Care Facility on the 3rd. Monday of each month. CHRISTIANS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT ENJOYED COMMUNITY : They cared for each other, encouraged each other, prayed together. That is the aim of our Nursing Home Service to care for, pray for, encourage and present the gospel to those who have never heard. Whether it’s a long term or short term stay.

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